Education in Cambodia is not an accessible right for every child. In order to help their families survive, many have to stop school to work. Near the Thailand border, the Khla Kaun Thmei village was created in the late 90’s to welcome displaced and destitute populations back from Thai refugee camps. In this extremely poor region of Cambodia, ADTJK has developed educational programs from kindergarten to advanced studies, in close relationship with the Cambodian Ministry of Education.
Our goal is to allow destitute children to access quality education with no charges. This is the association’s goal. On the Foyer Lataste site are implanted two classes of kindergarten, an elementary school and a tutoring center. Some of the programs have been set up by ADTJK to allow children from Banteay Meanchey province to get a quality education from kindergarten to their active life. Each program is adapted to the different social cases encountered. Children have access to the best learning conditions in a nice environment at the Foyer Lataste.
With the collaboration and cooperation of our donor AEC-Foyer Lataste, we co-financed the construction on its property of the Somras Komar (children’s smile) school in 1998 and still supports the operation with financial and material help. The school is entirely public and is placed under the supervision of the Cambodian Ministry of Education. The school is ranked best school of the district by the Provincial office of Education in Cambodia.
Action: material and financial help for the school
Target: children from kindergarten to elementary school
Number of Beneficiaries: about 350 students
The public-school system’s inadequacy pushes students to take private lessons. These lessons are very expensive for the families, but necessary for the children’s academic success. The association opened the tutoring center in 2012 to remedy this issue and make tutoring classes accessible for all.
Action: To give access to free quality tutoring classes in every school subject from kindergarten to the last year of high school
Target: The children from the Khla Kaun Thmei village
Number of Beneficiaries: about 250 students
Poverty and distance prompt many young people to drop out after middle school. The association’s boarding houses offer these young people the possibility to pursue their scholarship by being fed and housed for free on our site, near the Khla Kaun Thmei middle school/high school. The students benefit from free tutoring, many sports, arts, cultural and other fun activities. These young people are often the firsts in their family to obtain a high school diploma.
Action: accommodation in boarding houses at the association
Target: disadvantaged high-schoolers from the Banteay Meanchey province, living more than 10kms from the nearest high school
Number of Beneficiaries: 27 high-schoolers
We help our protegees to prepare in the best possible way their future and their integration into the working world. They benefit from guidance counseling and are encouraged to continue their studies, with our support. According to their motivation and grades, the youngsters are oriented towards university courses or towards professional training programs.
Action: financing advanced studies
Target: youngsters (15 years old and +) from our child protection programs
Number of Beneficiaries: up to 30 students a year
It is very difficult for non-qualified and poorly educated youngsters to find a stable job and to be decently paid. The association offers to the most motivated youngsters training for manual jobs (mechanics, sewing, beauty, etc.) with local professionals. The association provides accommodation to these young people who cannot stay at their family’s home or at their employers’.
Action: financing an apprenticeship with local craftsmen and entrepreneurs
Target: disadvantaged youngsters from the Banteay Meanchey province, aged from 15 to 25 years old, poorly educated and unskilled
Number of Beneficiaries: up to 15 young people a year