It is our great pleasure to welcome volunteers or interns, especially Cambodian youths/students, wishing to help us in our fields of work. Each mission is defined according to the skills, interests, experiences and/or projects of each volunteer.
We especially need volunteers/interns to help us with:
Gardening, handicraft and construction
Informatics skills to improve teaching tools
Workshops and training with the children on specific issues (for example raising awareness on children’s rights, women’s rights or the environment)
Activities with children during the holidays in October (for example creation of a mural fresco, music or circus workshops)
Fundraising events
Communication, etc.
Some experiences and specific skills might be required depending on the missions of the volunteering.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in our team!
Please contact us at:
Malai SUO, Executive Director
Simon DELABOUGLISE, Field Coordinator