ADTJK/AEC-Foyer Lataste continues its awareness campaign against the scourge of plastic in Cambodia and distributes 400 metal bottles to children and teachers of Somras Komar primary school!
In 2020, a call for donation was launched on the online platforms and spread through the networks of ADTJK/AEC-Foyer Lataste to contribute to the purchase of metal bottles for the Somras Komar primary school located on the site of the Foyer Lataste. Since 2019, with the success of their use by the youngsters living at the Center, it is naturally that the initiative has been extended to hundreds of children this year.
Thanks to all the donations, 400 metal bottles were distributed to the children from grade 1 to 6 as well as their teachers around a large event and in the presence of the Deputy Director of the Education Office of Serei Soaphon District.
It was an opportunity to make the students, accompanied by several parents, aware of the scourge of plastic and to explain the need to reduce its consumption to ensure a healthy living environment. It was with pride that three youngsters from the Foyer Lataste themselves explained to the children the stakes involved in obtaining these metal bottles. They are part of the Eco-Club, a group of volunteers who work to protect the environment through targeted activities and awareness raising. The stakes are high; the current young generations of Cambodia must participate in the diffusion of good environmental practices for the future of their country.
Moreover, elementary school teachers have a large role to play. Because they participate actively and in the foreground in the civic and moral education of children, it is up to them to set the example. During the event, they explained why and how to use their bottles. The day ended with a demonstration of how to clean and fill the bottles at the drinking water station of the Foyer Lataste.
The goal of ADTJK/AEC-Foyer Lataste is to take the problem of waste management at its source, by drastically limiting the purchase of bottled water to reduce the consumption of plastic waste. This is a good example that we hope will inspire other schools in the Province of Banteay Meanchey and encourage new practices that are more respectful of the environment.
Redacted by Solène ZECH, Field Coordinator